
The 18½ûÉ«ÇéƬ Regional College Archives collection dates from 1959 when the College first opened as St James 18½ûÉ«ÇéƬ College.

Our collection is of great historical and educational value to the College community. The MRC Archives contains a collection of documents, photographs and other material including:

  • Student records
  • Staff records
  • Business records
  • School magazines
  • Student work
  • School committees and administration
  • Historical information
  • Photographs
  • Uniforms
  • General memorabilia

We continue to collect and preserve historical material for future generations.

Donations to MRC Archives are always welcome.

Student records

Requests to access student records must be submitted in writing to the Principal by either printing the application form or submitting online:

Student Record Application Form

The Principal
18½ûÉ«ÇéƬ Regional College
PO Box 588
Burnie TAS 7320

Replacement certificates for Senior Secondary results or Year 10 results before 2013 are issued through the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC)