Dear College Community, Ìý

Please see an abbreviated 18½ûÉ«ÇéƬ Star before this Easter break. Ìý

Today we commemorate the solemn occasion of Holy Thursday. This day holds profound significance in the Christian calendar, marking the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his apostles before his crucifixion.Ìý

Holy Thursday offers us a moment for reflection and contemplation. It invites us to ponder the selfless act of service demonstrated by Jesus when he washed the feet of his disciples, teaching us the essence of humility and service to others. Ìý

This morning, we paused to reflect on this act of love and sacrifice. The invitation for us is to emulate these virtues in our own lives, particularly in our interactions with one another.Ìý

This evening at Star of the Sea from 7pm, we gather as a Parish community to celebrate the Eucharist, particularly to commemorate the Holy Eucharist during the Last Supper. Everyone is invited to attend this ancient tradition. Ìý

In keeping with the spirit of Holy Thursday, I encourage each member of our community to engage in acts of service and compassion towards others over the Easter break. As a family, we will look to spend a night away camping. This will no doubt test us as a unit! We might be calling on this spirit! Ìý

May we carry the spirit of Holy Thursday with us throughout the coming days, embodying the values of humility, service, and compassion in our lives. We are amongst the spiritual climax of our liturgical calendar. Ìý

Thank you for a very positive start to 2024. Morale is high within our college, and this is no doubt underpinned by a strong culture and identity, pillared by our values and unique 18½ûÉ«ÇéƬ and Mercy charism. Ìý

In the way of Mary,Ìý

Gregg Sharman